10 Reasons Why Byron Bay Camping Is So Popular

Fresh air, the rolling sea to lull you to sleep at night and the gorgeous smell of frying bacon and eggs in the morning (if you’re not the muesli type) – it’s easy to see why most Australians these days opt for a wholesome outdoor Byron Bay camping adventure.
And who can blame them? Especially when we’re guaranteed wonderful weather most of the year round. Another appeal of Byron Bay camping is the fact that we’re very laid-back here, even the city slickers among us love to pull on shorts and a t.shirt and head to the hills so we can appreciate the earth, sea and sky for all its vastness and natural beauty (something we just don’t get a chance to do locked in our glass offices and concrete homes for so much of the year round).
Here are some more reasons why Byron Bay camping is so popular!
1. Camp in comfort
Byron Bay camping is certainly a great way to get back to nature – provided you bring with you the camping essentials such as:
- tent & poles
- sleeping bag
- cooking gear
- food and drink
- appropriate clothing
- first aid kit.
Check out these Byron Bay camping tips for more comfortable camping advice.
Holidaying in a beachside cabin or caravan in one of our powered camping sites is another option. Here at Broken Head Holiday Park we’re big fans of comfortable accommodation. And we’re not the only ones; such is the popularity of our sites. Provided you book in advance however, there’s no problem – and no disappointments (and little one’s tears) to be endured come holiday time.
2. Untangle yourself from technology
One of the reasons Australians love hitting the outback and wilder terrain (or at least getting out of the city) is to feel themselves embracing nature in all its colourful splendour. And by default that means leaving the technology at home (yes, it is possible).
Sure, take along a Smartphone to keep in touch with family and friends back home but leave the computer in the desk drawer and try to keep the kids’ gadgets to a minimum – otherwise you might as well be back home surrounded by the same four walls you’re enclosed in the rest of the year round.
3. Let yourself be lulled by the landscape
We’re fortunate not only to offer a cheap holiday camping site in Byron Bay, but to have some of the most spectacular scenery in the whole of Australia. Not only are the beaches blessed with beautiful white sands and coves but many of the more out of the way little coves remain unpopulated most of the year round.
Then there is the abundance of nearby nature parks with colourful and abundant flora and fauna, not to mention impressive waterfalls and great rocks for scrambling.
4. Entertaining exercise
Yes, on the subject of scrambling and rock climbing, there are so many opportunities for exercise when camping in a beach resort and nature park environment. Many of these are contrived – such as water parks and abseiling adventures – but at Byron Bay trekking, swimming and fishing are some of the natural sports and activities enjoyed by our guests.
Activities such as surfing and mountain biking are no longer just the preserve of the young – you’ll find grandpa just as willing to hop onto a board as his offspring’s offspring.
5. Acquiring new acquaintances
Camping in a tent there’s a chance that the nice guy and his family located just five feet away from your own may actually become a bitter enemy rather than a mate. That’s because his fog-horn snoring is louder than a thunder storm. Pack him into a campervan though and you’ll be in blissful ignorance for the duration of your holiday. Just don’t agree for the two families to share a beach side chalet next year!
Seriously though, being on holiday when everyone’s relaxed and laid back in the extreme is a great way to meet up with new folk. And, for that matter, for healing rifts within your family. After all, with such busy stressful lives these days, we don’t always get the time with our kids and other half that we need.
6. Learn new skills
When’s the last time you challenged yourself to cooking a new recipe (and with limited equipment at that)? Or tried a new outdoor activity? Or hiked a new trail? Camping gives you the opportunity to try new things, develop new skills, and discover new passions outside the grind of daily life or walls of the city.
The learning opportunities for children, especially, are vast during camping. Showing children how to pitch a tent, how to grill, how to fish, etc. are not only great ways to build wonderful memories, but also a fun way to develop life skills they will have forever.
Byron Bay makes an excellent camping destination because it offers the opportunity to do all of these activities and more. So challenge yourself to learn something new during your next trip (even if it’s just tasting a new beer or desert!)
7. Camping is inexpensive
Camping is one of the most inexpensive ways to get away. And besides just allowing you to save on accommodation, Byron Bay also offers quite a few great free or cheap activities to fill your days. Hiking, biking, relaxing on the beach, and just enjoying the scenery around Byron Bay will offer an incredible holiday experience that won’t cost you a thing!
Camping at Byron Bay offers you the chance to renew yourself, get lost in nature and enjoy all of Australia’s splendour without breaking the bank.
8. Gets you out of your comfort zone
Even if you’re not taking on any of the new challenges we mentioned above during your camping trip, you’ll still have the chance to get out of your comfort zone. Camping takes us away from some of our daily comforts and puts us into a more stripped down version of life. Breaking free from technology, busy jobs, packed schedules and the comfort of home can be challenging, but it’s a great experience for growth.
Learning to slow down is actually an art, and camping at Byron Bay is an excellent teacher. You may be surprised how quickly you adapt to this newfound pace, and how refreshed you’ll feel when you return home.
9. There’s something for the whole family
One of the big draws for visitors to Byron Bay is the expansive list of activities for the whole family. Kids of all ages can find something enjoyable to do in our incredibly unique coastal town.
Art studios, breweries, restaurants, whale spotting, beach-going, hiking, biking and swimming are just a few of the popular activities you can take part in while staying in Byron Bay. Camping at Broken Head Holiday Park gives you easy access to all of the incredible activities offered in our area, no matter what your interests!
And even though Byron Bay is great for families, it can also be a romantic location for couples, or a fun, adventurous destination for solo travellers too. Byron Bay can really be what you make it, so no matter what your reason for visiting, you’re sure to find what you’re looking for.
10. Creates lasting memories
Sometimes, our most memorable experiences don’t come from elaborate getaways or expensive outings. They come from the trips or experiences that give us quality time with the people we love, challenge us to do something new or just make us feel new.
Being surrounded by the beauty, adventure, and fun of Byron Bay leaves a lasting impression on all who visit. Many families come back year after year, and still find interesting new things to discover.
Not to mention, Byron Bay’s mild, temperate climate makes it a perfect place to holiday year round. Sunny days and warm temperatures are the norm for most of the year, which makes it a great time to visit whenever you feel the urge.
So what are you waiting for? Check out our Byron Bay camping accommodation for a range of different options, we promise you won’t be disappointed. Come make some memories with us!