Tips for Dealing With Mozzies When Camping in Byron Bay

Whatever you call them mosquitos, mozzies, or simply a nuisance, these two-winged creatures can certainly crash a party, especially if you’re camping.
If you’re planning on going camping, finding out how to deal with mozzies should be right up there with knowing what to wear when visiting Byron Bay.
Before you come camping at Broken Head Holiday Park, check out our advice on how to deal with pesky mozzies and tips to avoid being bitten (well, hopefully not too much anyway!).
Fun (and not so fun) facts about mozzies
Mozzies have been around since the Jurassic Period so they’re ancient insects approximately 200 million years old! They prefer warm weather, so humid sub-tropical environments like Queensland and NSW are where mozzies like to party. Be forewarned – some species can come out at any time but typically at dawn and dusk, as well as into the evening.
There are more than 3,500 species of mosquitoes worldwide. More than 300 of these species are found in Australia. Some of these can transmit viruses, so it’s always best to avoid getting bitten wherever possible.
Why they like humans
Yes, mozzies are attracted to humans, their skin, and quite a bit more.
Mosquitos are attracted to lactic acid, carbon dioxide, and bigger folks because they are larger targets and may produce more of these two elements. Some mozzies may also like smelly feet and people who can’t keep still!
What to wear to keep them off
Mosquitoes are drawn to darker clothes and some say even the moon. So, wear lighter-colored clothing and cover exposed skin with long pants and sleeves as much as you can. Also, wear a hat, scarf, and shoes and socks, too if the weather allows.
Ways to ward-off mozzies
Image source: OFF! Australia
Using a mosquito repellent is one of the easiest and effective ways to keep mozzies from biting. OFF!, RID and Bushman are considered three of the best according to this Canstar survey.
When sleeping try netting inside tents or screened domes and keep tent doors zippered up.
There are other techy items that might help that you can purchase, such as various bug lights, ultrasound units, and blacklight insect electrocution devices also known as bug zappers. These may or may not be effective.
First Aid for bites
Image source: Snowys
Even with all these precautions, you may still suffer a few mozzies feasting on your skin. Be sure to keep the scratching at a minimum as this may cause an infection if you break the skin or reopen a bite (s).
To help prevent infection and stop the itch, wash the area of the bite with mild soap and water.
You may also use anti-itch cream, a mozzie clicker, anti-itch lotion gel-like ItchFix, tea tree oil calamine lotion, or antihistamines to help the itch. You can try an ice pack to numb the area which might halt the itch while reducing any swelling.
If the swelling doesn’t stop within a day or two, if you have open sores and/or your eyes or joints become infected, do call your doctor.
Don’t let mozzies stop your enjoyment of the great outdoors
Even with a few mozzies hanging about, camping is one of the safest and most enjoyable ways to have a holiday at the moment.
Camping lets you be at one with nature in the open air for a simple weekend getaway or a longer break, especially if the location is superb.
At Broken Head Holiday Park, we offer all kinds of fun and amenities at our tranquil beachside hideaway, plus friendly and courteous staff, and free wireless Internet.
Broken Head Holiday Park is a place where you can hang with your friends, enjoy some one-on-one time as a couple, and of course, as a family.
Situated just south of Byron Bay, Broken Head Holiday Park is surrounded by a lush national park and a stone’s throw from the beach.
Check out the reserve track for spectacular views of rock formations and the sparkling Pacific Ocean or just laze away the day doing nothing at all at this laid-back camping wonder.
Broken Head Holiday Parks is also a terrific escape that’s easy on the wallet thanks to our many budget accommodation options. Book your visit today!
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